General Terms & Conditions
Layaways are offered with minimum 20% down payment. Layaway lets you secure the bike you want and pay it off over time. We ask bikes are paid in full within 60 days.
Deposits (also known as a Down-payment) on Layaway secure the bike you are purchasing. Deposits are not refundable. Deposits are transferable (to another bike or can be added to customer account) for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, if customer wishes to cancel a Layaway or transfer the deposit to another bike, a 10% (of original product price) fee is deducted from the deposit amount (to go towards another bike layaway or on the customer's account).
Final Sales
Bike Sales, Helmet Sales, Underwear (chamois shorts), and sale items are Final Sales.
Online Orders
Bike Orders:
Customers should be prepared to have their new bikes professionally assembled at a bike shop to insure proper function and safe operation of the new bike. Prior to shipping, we fully assemble new bikes then disassemble and rebox to check that all parts are functional and to inspect the overall quality. The shipping process can result in parts being out of alignment. Some parts require alignment after re-assembly.
Cancelling an online order will result in a cancellation/restocking fee up to 20% of the order value. This fee varies depending on the amount of work already performed to prepare an item for shipping. Work like: disassembly or assembly required prior to packaging / protective packaging / boxing / placing order for courier pickup.
Once an order has shipped, the customer is responsible for the full shipping charge plus the cancellation/restocking fee if the delivery is refused or the customer wants to return the product (plus the customer is responsible for return shipping costs).
Sale Items are Final Sales
New Bike Service Coverage
Bike Purchase Includes the Following Services
Junior ( Bikes below $500)
Novice (Bikes $500 - $1000)
Expert (Bikes $1000 - $2000)
Pro (Bikes above $2000)
Your Minor Adjustments Include: (All Levels)
Your One Standard Tune Includes: (Expert & Pro Levels)
*NOTE: There may be shop supplies charge or a charge for chain pins/quick links to complete the Standard Tune |
*Costs that are not included: Replacement or repair of flat tires, Tire sealant, Rotor decontamination, Costs of any parts, Any repairs associated to crashed/damaged bikes or parts, Cleaning on minor adjustments, Shipping on warranty/suspension Items, Installation/removal of warranty items outside of service periods.
Manufacturers Warranty
Bike and Parts manufacturers each have slightly different warranties. Please check the brand's website for details.
How Bike Bros helps with Warranty
For Bikes or items sold at Bike Bros., we will look after making the warranty claim and shipping on your behalf. We pass along the cost of shipping and cost of factory repair/service to the customer.